Mission and Vision of Virtual Spirit 2016
Published at February 08, 2016

When you heard someone said "I'm going to quit my job and start my own business". What's come to your mind? Do your parents ask you not to make stupid decision as you are already having stable income compared to others.

Besides, there are also others reasons such as our worldwide economy is in recession and there is also an increase of 218% of job cut in U.S market. It's not easy to get a stable job.

Well, I would say opportunity is always there and sometime it's just wait for you to grab it. Become an entrepreneur is not easy because it really need passion and dedication to do what you like and what you don't like as well!



Recall of Virtual Spirit

Virtual Spirit is already 2 years ago. Last year, we were glad that involving in different kind of projects across different countries such as UK, India, Singapore and Malaysia. Not to mention, we also changed our logo and revamp our whole site into a new design.


Motivation is what get you started. Habit is what keep you going 


Old design of Virtual Spirit

This year




What's Virtual Spirit game plan?

We passionate about creating products that are useful and it can make your life easy across different industry. We plan to have our own internal product in different industry as well. 



 At last, life only live once. Work hard, stay foolish and keep learning. No one born to be a genius, when others can do it, you can do the same as well.

Follow your passion and build your own dream

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