How to Choose the Best Website Design Depending on Your Niche?
Published at October 26, 2017

There are almost a dozen different types of online presentations, and sometimes it is hard to determine whether you have chosen the best website design for your page. Every niche has its unique needs that mainly reflect the characteristics of the consumers they are targeting.

The easiest way to ensure that your corporate website has a proper look and functionality is by hiring a skilled web designer, or an agency that will take over both web design and development tasks. Still, many entrepreneurs want to create their website in-house, to save money or make the whole process more secure.

Most of these business owners rely on their own IT teams, while the ones who don't employ so many people, might try to create their business website themselves. Virtual Spirit has already published several comprehensive guides on web design and development that will be very helpful to you if you are planning to take over the website building process.

For example, this guide will tell you how to How to Create Your Website from Scratch and if you have problems with the website or mobile app design, you should also read our basic design guide. If you still, don‘t understand the benefits custom web design can bring to your business, don‘t forget to check out the Why Web Design Is Important for Your Company‘s Appeal post.

This article will help you to choose the best web design for your website, depending on your business niche and the consumer groups you are targeting. 

Best website design for retail

The latest web design and development trends have allowed retail businesses to spread their operation to the digital market and target consumers from other countries and regions. Today, the width of your shipping network is the only limit in the international e-commerce, and good and contemporary website design will help you to win over high paying customers from all over the world.

Functionality is the most important characteristic of online stores. That is why e-commerce entrepreneurs should pay special attention to the UX design. Online stores need to have an easy navigation that should allow the user to purchase the product in one or few steps. 

Product pages on e-commerce websites need to well indexed and appropriately categorized to make the browsing easier and more satisfying. The design of product pages should be able to incorporate plenty of description text, as well as high resolutions photos, videos, and graphics. 

Best web design for law, banking, and insurance firms

The biggest mistake when it comes to web design solutions for insurance and banking companies is making the website too company-centric. The success of the AmEx blog is the brightest example of the successful content strategy for financial and insurance websites.

Apart from more conservative color schemes and fonts, financial websites should place their blogs on the most prominent part of the site. These blogs can offer financial, law and insurance advice to visitors and each article should have at least one call to action that directs the users to the product landing page. 

The best product landing pages on law, financial and insurance corporate websites are simple and clear. Users should be able to read the product/plan benefits and most basic terms offered by the company. The most important thing for these types of websites is to make them attractive to people who are not looking for law, financial or insurance advice.

Best website design for hotels and restaurants

The design of the hotel or restaurant website solely depends on the audience the venue is trying to attract. Fast food chains and cheap hostels usually focus on younger audience, so their sites use solid colors, lots of imagery and they often incorporate fun videos and parallax into the home or landing pages.

Fine dine restaurants, and 5-star hotels are much more subtle when it comes to web design. They use elegant colors, like black and golden, which allows them to emphasize the colorful photos of meals and suites on their product pages. 

It is also very common for big hotel and restaurant chain websites to offer ordering and booking functionalities. Some webmasters also decide to add the blog to the mix. Restaurant websites can share recipes and articles about different diets and food lifestyles, while hotels can write about traveling and local sights. Depending on the type of the hotel, the articles can be oriented towards different kinds of travelers from backpackers to business people, who visit conferences and fairs.

Best web design for influencer bloggers

The blog should be the simplest type of web presentation. Since most people visit blogs of niche influencers to find more about information about the latest industry trends and read interesting posts, the pages should be oriented towards the text. They should also incorporate simple, but pretty and efficient design. You should choose the color of your website depending on the niche,                        and fonts need to be both modern and discreet at the same time.

Many influencers also share videos and photos on their blog and provide direct access to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr news feed. This is very important because influencer bloggers usually enjoy a huge following on social media. Depending on how you make money on your blog, you can also add Amazon Associates tables, drop-shipping offers or logos of your sponsors.                   

The design is one of the most important elements of website creation. For some industries, like e-commerce, for example, the web design features are equally important as the web page functionalities. Effective design will motivate visitors to buy your products, and take them deeper into the sales funnel. That is why you should always hire professionals for designing your corporate website. Virtual Spirit employs experienced web designers, who will craft perfect design for your company’s page and make it functional and easy-to-use. Check out our web design page for more information.



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