The Project

Bquity makes investing capital swift and easy. It is a seamless experience for anyone who is looking to invest in some interesting platforms and help to enrich the community.

The people at Bquity were very determined with their business plan and contacted us for building a platform that can spread their idea in the masses with the help of a website. We had to build a platform that can do continuous transactions from different parts of the country. Hence, our first job was to secure these payments and encrypt all the confidential details of the client to avoid any breach.

The Challenge

The challenges that came our way was more related to concealing the identity and bank details of the client from an external breach. We had to secure all our servers with the help of an external third-party application that provides security for online transactions.

As Bquity also deals with blockchain, we had to make sure that we get all the permissions from the concerned parties and work in accordance with the legal requirements.

The Solution

We incorporated the third party API from JagaMyID to keep tabs and ensure that all the transactions are secure and the overall process is going smooth and junk-free. At times, our server used to crash which bugged us due to more parallel users but later even that problem got eliminated as we acquired more servers to deliver a combined experience.

We ensured that every step that we took was calculated and risk-free. This helped us build stronger ties with Bquity and helped to attract tons of potential investors.

The User Interface
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The Results

Designing a very user-friendly website was also one of the hurdles that we have faced while working on the project. The users can easily sign up by just registering their basic details and later browse the website for different choices. In case, the user has forgotten his/her password, he/she can reset the password by entering the One Time Password which will be sent to the user’s mail address. The registered users can also edit their respective profile after setting up their account, again by following the same process as listed in resetting password process.

The bank or credit card details of any user and secured with the help of a firewall which guides this information when the transaction is in the completion stage. Thus, investors can be assured that they are in safe hands.

Making a website which includes a lot of sensitive information can be challenging at times. But, the project taught us a lot and the end result was a huge success.

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